WLM2s - An Alternate Form of WLM

This page presents an alternate form of the WLM spelling system, which I am for the moment calling WLM2s, the 2s standing for "two schwa".  I am in the process of deciding whether to declare WLM2s to be the official form of WLM, or possibly, to present it as an acceptable alternate form.  Perhaps the end result could be a hybrid of the two, accepting some but not all of the differences.  If you believe WLM to be interesting, and have an opinion on whether WLM2s is an improvement, I urge you to E-mail me (see the bottom of the page for the address) and tell me so.  I can't ignore your opinion if you don't give it to me!

The major differences between WLM and WLM2s are as follows:

  1. WLM uses the letter i for the schwa except at word beginning and word end.  WLM2s uses both i and o.  i is used when the sound is the "indistinct i", a short i resembling a schwa, or when it is conventionally spelled with the letter e or i.  The letter o is used in other cases.  The purpose of this change is to make the spelling of certain words more natural.  For example, the WLM spellings surkis, sabitahjh and kitastrify would become surkos, sabotahjh and kotastrofy in WLM2s.  I note that difference 3 below causes some schwas to be spelled out before liquids in WLM2s where they are omitted in WLM.  These schwas are always spelled with o.

  2. WLM uses the letter o for the long o sound, as in smok and motivayt.  Since WLM2s uses the o as a schwa, it spells the long o with the digraph oa: smoak, moativayt.  At the end of a word, such as zeero or medo, a plain o is still used, since the schwa is always spelled with a at word end.  The ending o is not changed when a plural or past tense ending is added, even if ambiguity results, as in foatoz and fahlod.  (To prevent ambiguity, perhaps an apostrophe, or even an e, could be inserted after the o.  But if we're going to do that, why not just use the oa digraph to start with?)

  3. The handling of syllabic liquids in WLM2s is different, and tends to use the apostrophe rather than the letter h as a marker.  This will be further explained later, but for now, here are some examples.


In addition to these major differences, there are the following minor changes to WLM2s:

  1. WLM2s uses -ebl and -ebility, not -ibl and -ibility, for the TS suffixes -able/ible and -ability/ibility: wurkebl, lejebl, feezebility.

  2. WLM2s uses -ment rather than -mhnt for the TS suffix -ment, as in payvment, argyment, eistablixment.

  3. In addition to its major changes in the handling of syllabic liquids, WLM2s allows the liquids m and n to be juxtaposed without an intervening h.  Thus, WLM2s spells the WLM woomhn and venhm as woomn and venm.

  4. Unlike WLM, WLM2s distinguishes the cases of ending rl where the l is not syllabic (kurl) from ones where it is syllabic (skwurol).

Explaining  how either WLM or WLM2s handles syllabic liquids is a big job, because the situation with these sounds is so complicated.  Spelling system developers like myself could save themselves a lot of trouble if we weren't so attracted to the idea of leaving out those unnecessary vowels.  Unfortunately, leaving them all out leads to horrible ambiguities, and we have to figure out which words we can omit the vowels from, and what to do about the ones where we can't.

When I speak of syllabic liquids, I'm talking about cases where a liquid sound (l, m, n or r) comprises the only vowel in a syllable, or cases where the vowel is a schwa followed by a liquid.  Phoneticists distinguish these two cases, but I am unable to tell the difference between them, and so I use the term "syllabic liquid" to refer to both.  I'll probably go to hell for it, I guess.  What I'd like for either form of WLM is to just leave the schwa out from these sounds, writing letr for <letter>, and kmplayn for <complain>.  Would they were all that easy!  The archtypical problem word is <forum>.  We can't leave out the vowel here: form is a different word.  A long process of analysis leads to the following conclusions:

  1. It is safe to leave out the vowel before a liquid if the preceding sound is a non-liquid consonant, and the liquid is either word-final, or followed by a non-liquid consonant.  Thus, we can write: katl, knsidr, prseev.

  2. It is safe to leave out the vowel when the liquid is either word-final or followed by a non-liquid, even in the case where the preceding sound is a liquid consonant, provided the first liquid is not l or r, or the second liquid is not m or n.  Thus, we can write: kulr, winr, kaml.  In WLM2s, we can also write hyuemn, denm.  However, in WLM2s, we consider the case of r followed by syllabic l unsafe.  In WLM, we write korl, while in WLM2s this spelling is not permitted.  Basically, the WLM rules imagine that the words <swirl> and <squirrel> rhyme (swurl and skwurl), while the WLM2s rules assume they do not (swurl and skwurol).  It would be unambiguous for a liquid to follow itself without an intervening letter, as in mmoriyl, kann or teirriez, but in both versions of WLM, we insist on separating them, due to the very different use of double letters by traditional spelling.  WLM2s has momoriyl, kanon and teireriez for the words above.

The cases we have left are words where a syllabic liquid is followed by a vowel, like <colony> or <ferocious>, or where an unacceptable liquid sequence occurs, like <solemn> or <coronation>.  Some unpleasant words have several troublesome liquids in a row, like <aluminum> or <foreigner> or <phenomenally>.  WLM spells words like these by using a silent letter h as a marker.  The words in the previous sentences are spelled kahlhny, frhoxus, korhnayxn, sahlhm, eluemhnhm, forhnr and fnhahmhnlhy in WLM.  The exact rule is hard to describe, because sometimes the h follows the syllabic liquid (frhoxus) and sometimes it precedes it (korhnayxn).  The WLM2s rules are slightly easier to understand.  When a syllabic liquid is followed by a vowel or another syllabic liquid, WLM2s uses an apostrophe to separate the two, as in fr'oaxus, aluemn'm and fn'ahmn'ly.  In any other situation involving a syllabic liquid, a vowel is written, o before l, m or n, or e before r.  Thus, for the other troublesome words above we have kahlony, sahlom, koronayxn and foron'r.  One of the benefits of this particular scheme is that the spelling of words is not usually changed when we add suffixes to them, as in the case of fn'ahmn'n, fn'ahmn'l and fn'ahmn'ly, or profexn, profexn'l and profexn'lizm.

When spelling a troublesome word, we start at the right-hand side and process the word right-to-left, adding a vowel or apostrophe at the rightmost troublespot.  For instance, in <foreigner>, the -nr sequence is all right, and it is only when we hit the -rn that we get into trouble.  Note that once we add a vowel, the spelling of all or part of the word preceding may be resolved.  In <zeppelin>, once we realize that the ending must be spelled -'n, we have no trouble deciding what to do with the -el-: zepl'n.  (The word <aluminum> is trickier than the others; you might think that the spelling aluemnm would be acceptable, but it is ambiguous because you can't tell whether the n is intended to be syllabic or not.  In this case, an apostrophe must be inserted between the n and m to mark them as syllabic:  eluemn'm.)  I consider this to be a strong advantage for this part of WLM2s: I have not yet found an informal way to describe exactly how to insert the h's into troublesome words such as these with WLM.  (A balancing disadvantage is that WLM2 uses the apostrophe in a number of different ways, and it is more complicated to figure out whether it needs to be pronounced or not.)

To illustrate the effect of these changes on an extended text, the table below gives the text of the song "Desolation Row" (words and music by Bob Dylan) in both systems.  The changes are not so many as to make the appearance radically different, but as you may notice, most verses have changes in a fair number of lines.

Dhay'r selinq postkardz ev dhi hanqinq
Dhay'r payntinq dhi pasportz brown
Dhi byuety parlr iz fild widh saelrz
Dhi surkis iz in town
Hir kumz dhi bliend kmhixnhr
Dhay'v gaht him in a trans
Wun hand iz tied tu dhi tietrop wawkr
Dhi udhr iz in hiz pantz
And dhi riht skwahd dhay'r restles
Dhay need sumweir tu go
Az Laydy and Ie look owt tnhiet
Frum Deslhayxn Ro
Dhay'r selinq poastkardz ev dhi hanqinq
Dhay'r payntinq dhi pasportz brown
Dhi byuety parlr iz fild widh saelrz
Dhi surkos iz in town
Hir kumz dhi bliend km'ixn'r
Dhay'v gaht him in a trans
Wun hand iz tied tu dhi tietroap wawkr
Dhi udhr iz in hiz pantz
And dhi riht skwahd dhay'r restles
Dhay need sumweir tu go
Az Laydy and Ie look owt tn'iet
Frum Desl'ayxn Ro
Sindrhela, xee seemz so eezy
"It taykz wun tu no wun," xee smihlz
And pootz hur handz in hur bak pahkitz
Bety Dayvis stihl
Now in kumz Romiyo, heez moninq
"Yu bilawnq tu mee Ie blheev"
Dhen sumwun sez, "Yu'r in dhi rawnq plays, mie frend
Yu'd betr leev"
And dhi only sownd dhat'z left
Aftr dhi ambylhns'z go
Iz Sindrhela sweepinq up
Awn Deslhayxn Ro
Sindr'ela, xee seemz so eezy
"It taykz wun tu no wun," xee smihlz
And pootz hur handz in hur bak pahkitz
Bety Dayvis stihl
Now in kumz Roamiyo, heez moaninq
"Yu bilawnq tu mee Ie bl'eev"
Dhen sumwun sez, "Yu'r in dhi rawnq plays, mie frend
Yu'd betr leev"
And dhi oanly sownd dhat'z left
Aftr dhi ambylons'z go
Iz Sindr'ela sweepinq up
Awn Desl'ayxn Ro
Now dhi muen iz awlmost hidn
Dhi starz ar bigininq tu hied
Dhi forcn-telinq laydy
Haz eevn taykn awl hur thinqz insied
Awl iksept for Kayn and Aybl
And dhi huncbak ev Notra Daym
Eivry.bahdy'z maykinq luv
Or eils ikspektinq rayn
And dhi Good Smheiritn, hee'z dresinq
Hee'z getinq redy for dhi xo
Hee'z go'inq tu dhi karnivl tnhiet
Awn Deslhayxn Ro
Now dhi muen iz awlmoast hidn
Dhi starz ar bigininq tu hied
Dhi forcn-telinq laydy
Haz eevn taykn awl hur thinqz insied
Awl iksept for Kayn and Aybl
And dhi huncbak ev Noatra Daym
Eivry.bahdy'z maykinq luv
Or eils ikspektinq rayn
And dhi Good Sm'eiritn, hee'z dresinq
Heez getinq redy for dhi xo
Heez go'inq tu dhi karnivl tn'iet
Awn Desl'ayxn Ro
Now Ofeelya, xee'z 'neeth dhi windo
For hur Ie fiyl so efrayd
Awn hur twenty-seknd burthday
Xee awlredy iz n old mayd
Tu hur, deth iz kwiet romantik
Xee weirz n ihrn vest
Hur prifexn'z hur rilijn
Hur sin iz hur lieflesnes
And dho hur iez ar fiksd epahn
Noha'z grayt raynbo
Xee spendz hur tiem peekinq
Intu Deslhayxn Ro
Now Oafeelya, xee'z 'neeth dhi windo
For hur Ie fiyl so efrayd
Awn hur twenty-seknd burthday
Xee awlredy iz n oald mayd
Tu hur, deth iz kwiet roamantik
Xee weirz n ihrn vest
Hur profexn'z hur rilijn
Hur sin iz hur lieflesnes
And dho hur iez ar fiksd epahn
Noha'z grayt raynbo
Xee spendz hur tiem peekinq
Intu Desl'ayxn Ro
Ienstien, disgiezd az Rahbn Hood
Widh hiz memrhyyz in a trunk
Pasd dhis way n owr ego
Widh hiz frend, a jelus munk
Now hee lookd so imakylitly frietfl
Az hee bumd a sigrhet
Dhen hee went awf snifinq draynpiepz
And risietinq dhi alfibet
Now yu wood naht think tu look at him
But hee wuz faymus lawnq ego
For play'inq dhi ilektrik vihlin
Awn Deslhayxn Ro
Ienstien, disgiezd az Rahbn Hood
Widh hiz memr'yyz in a trunk
Pasd dhis way n owr ego
Widh hiz frend, a jelus munk
Now hee lookd so imakylitly frietfl
Az hee bumd a sigr'et
Dhen hee went awf snifinq draynpiepz
And risietinq dhi alfobet
Now yu wood naht think tu look at him
But hee wuz faymus lawnq ego
For play'inq dhi ilektrik vihlin
Awn Desl'ayxn Ro
Dahktr Filth, hee keepz hiz wurld
Insied ev a ledhr kup
But awl hiz seksles payxntz
Dhay ar trie'inq tu blo it up
Now hiz nurs, sum lokl luezr
Xeez in carj ev dhi sihnied hol
And xee awlso keepz dhi kardz dhat reed
"Hav Mursy awn Hiz Sol"
Dhay awl play awn dhi penyywisl
Yu kan hir dhem blo
If yu leen yur hed owt far inuf
Frum Deslhayxn Ro
Dahktr Filth, hee keepz hiz wurld
Insied ev a ledhr kup
But awl hiz seksles payxntz
Dhay ar trie'inq tu blo it up
Now hiz nurs, sum loakl luezr
Xeez in carj ev dhi sihnied hoal
And xee awlso keepz dhi kardz dhat reed
"Hav Mursy awn Hiz Soal"
Dhay awl play awn dhi penyywisl
Yu kan hir dhem blo
If yu leen yur hed owt far inuf
Frum Desl'ayxn Ro
Ekraws dhi street dhay'v naeld dhi kurtnz
Dhay'r getinq redy for dhi feest
Dhi Fantm ev dhi Ahprha
In a purfikt imij ev a preest
Dhay ar spuen-feedinq Kasnhova
Tu get him tu fiyl mor exoord
Dhen dhay'l kil him widh self-kahnfidns
Aftr poyzn'inq him widh wurdz
And dhi Fantm'z xowtinq tu skiny gurlz
"Get owt ev hir if yu don't no
Kasnhova iz just bee'inq punixd for go'inq
Tu Deslhayxn Ro"
Ekraws dhi street dhay'v naeld dhi kurtnz
Dhay'r getinq redy for dhi feest
Dhi Fantm ev dhi Ahpr'a
In a purfikt imij ev a preest
Dhay ar spuen-feedinq Kasn'oava
Tu get him tu fiyl mor exoord
Dhen dhay'l kil him widh self-kahnfidns
Aftr poyzn'inq him widh wurdz
And dhi Fantm'z xowtinq tu skiny gurlz
"Get owt ev hir if yu doant no
Kasn'oava iz just bee'inq punixd for go'inq
Tu Desl'ayxn Ro"
Now at midniet awl dhi ayjntz
And dhi suepr.hyuemhn krue
Kum owt and rownd up eivry.wun
Dhat noz mor dhan dhay du
Dhen dhay brinq dhem tu dhi faktrhy
Weir dhi hart-etak mixeen
Iz strapd ekraws dheir xoldrz
And dhen dhi keiriseen
Iz brawt down frum dhi kaslz
Bie inxoorhns men hue go
Cek tu see dhat nobahdy iz iskaypinq
Tu Deslhayxn Ro
Now at midniet awl dhi ayjntz
And dhi suepr.hyuemn krue
Kum owt and rownd up eivry.wun
Dhat noz mor dhan dhay du
Dhen dhay brinq dhem tu dhi faktr'y
Weir dhi hart-etak moxeen
Iz strapd ekraws dheir xoaldrz
And dhen dhi keiroseen
Iz brawt down frum dhi kaslz
Bie inxoorons men hue go
Cek tu see dhat no.bahdy iz iskaypinq
Tu Desl'ayxn Ro
Prayz bee tu Neero'z Neptuen
Dhi Tietanik saelz at dawn
Eivry.bahdy'z xowtinq
"Wic Sied Ar Yu Awn?"
And Eizra Pownd and T. S. Eiliyt
Fietinq in dhi kaptn'z towr
Wihl klhipso sinqrz laf at dhem
And fixrmen hold flowrz
Bitween dhi windoz ev dhi see
Weir luvly murmaydz flo
And nobahdy haz tu think tue muc
Ebowt Deslhayxn Ro
Prayz bee tu Neero'z Neptuen
Dhi Tietanik saelz at dawn
Eivry.bahdy'z xowtinq
"Wic Sied Ar Yu Awn?"
And Eizra Pownd and T. S. Eiliyt
Fietinq in dhi kaptn'z towr
Wihl kl'ipso sinqrz laf at dhem
And fixrmen hoald flowrz
Bitween dhi windoz ev dhi see
Weir luvly murmaydz flo
And no.bahdy haz tu think tue muc
Ebowt Desl'ayxn Ro
Yes, Ie riseevd yur letr yestrday
(Ebowt dhi tiem dhi dornahb brok)
Wen yu askd how Ie wuz du'inq
Wuz dhat sum kiend ev jok?
Awl dheez peepl dhat yu mencn
Yes, Ie no dhem, dhay'r kwiet laym
Ie had tu ree.eraynj dheir fays'z
And giv dhem awl enudhr naym
Riet now Ie kan't reed tue good
Don't send mee no mor letrz no
Naht enles yu mael dhem
Frum Deslhayxn Ro
Yes, Ie riseevd yur letr yestrday
(Ebowt dhi tiem dhi dornahb broak)
Wen yu askd how Ie wuz du'inq
Wuz dhat sum kiend ev joak?
Awl dheez peepl dhat yu mencn
Yes, Ie no dhem, dhay'r kwiet laym
Ie had tu ree.eraynj dheir fays'z
And giv dhem awl enudhr naym
Riet now Ie kan't reed tue good
Doan't send mee no mor letrz no
Naht enles yu mael dhem
Frum Desl'ayxn Ro

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