DRE Spelling tu Sound Táble

DRE iz a spelling system fòr Ênglish with the follówing properties.  DRE úzes díacritics tu indicáte pronuncìátion mòre accüratly than TS.  DRE réspells wôrds whâre the addition ov díacritics iz inadequat tu reflect the pronuncìátion.  DRE iz dezíened tu rezemble TS az much az possible, and not tu offend the eýe ov the TS adept (except, ov còurse, fòr thóze pesky díacritics).  DRE iz intended tu bé an imprùvement óver TS éven if the díacritics àr dropped.  Fínally, DRE iz intended tu spell homophónes differently whenever TS spells them differently.  See the DRE introduction and the DRE reference fòr mòre detailed expozitions ov DRE, and fòr ôther DRE links.

DRE is néyther wunn spelling per sound, nòr wunn sound per spelling.  Az yoù will obzerv belów, a single sound may hav up tu 12 different spellings in DRE.  Thó Shaw's spelling ov "ghoti" fòr fish iz not plauzible in DRE, wunn coûd atempt tu justify the spelling "phêti", which iz hàrdly líkely tu bé regàrded az an imprùvement.  If yoù believe that, tu imprùve Ênglish spelling, wé must hav wunn spelling per sound, then DRE iz not fòr yoù.

DRE côms much clóser tu the goal ov having wunn sound per spelling, but thâre àr still a fair number ov exceptions.  Fòr instance, yoù cannot tell frôm the spelling "dezert" whether the pronuncìátion iz /dEz@rt/ òr /d@z3`t/ .  The goal ov retaining a hý degree ov similärity to TS preclùdes compléte adherence tu the principle ov wunn sound per spelling.

The chàrt belów indicátes the different spellings fòr the sounds ov Ênglish (inclùding certâin combinátions ov sounds with special rùles).  Bóth the possible spellings and an example ov the úse ov each iz shówn.  The chàrt reflects verzion 2.3 ov DRE, current az ov Febrùâry 13, 2005.  A similar táble ov sound spellings for the standard orthography can be found on this page.  A quick compärison ov théze tew tábles shoûd convince yoù that, despíte the exúberant variëty ov its spellings, DRE iz still mòre manajable and òrderly than the compléte cáos ov TS.

The sounds àr shówn first in SAMPA, and then bý a sample wôrd, traditionally spelled, with the sound set òff bý curly bráces.  Except whâre ôtherwíze indicáted, Amèrican pronuncìátion iz asúmed.

/A:/ f{a}ther
        à aà ah
        fàther salaàm hûrah
/A:r/ c{ar}
        àr aàr eàr
        càr bazaàr heàrt
/aI/ p{ie}
        aí aý eí eý i í íe uí uý ý ýe
        Saígon saýonara steín eýe diët fíne píe guíde buý flý dýe
/aIr/ f{ire}
        ír ýr
        fíre pýre
/aU/ {ou}t
        ou ow
        out cow
/aUr/ {our}
        our owr
        our dowry
/b/ {b}e
        b bb
        bé rubble
/D/ {th}en
/d/ {d}ie
        d dd ed
        díe add grabbed
/dZ/ {j}aw
        dj j
        adjectiv jaw
/E/ p{e}t
        â e ë eh
        âny pet dùët yeh
/Er/ or /E@(r)/ t{err}ace or c{âr}e(1)
        air* âr* ayr* eir* èr err eyr*
        air câre prayr their
vèry terrâce sweyr
/eI/ b{ai}t
        á ai ay è èe ei ey
        ápe bait play fòrtè matinèe rein prey
/f/ {f}ee
        f ff ph
        fee buff phótó
/g/ {g}o
        g gg
        gó egg
/gZ/ lu{x}ury
/gz/ e{x}act
        ggs gs x
        eggs dògs exact
/h/ {h}eat
/hw/ {wh}y
/I/ p{i}t
        a e
(2) ê i o u y
        blockaj extréme prêtty pit recogníze minut myth
/Ir/ or /I@(r)/ {irr}igate or b{eer}(1)
        ear* eer* êr* ier*
ìr irr yr
        ear beer hêre pier
vìril irrigáte lyric
/i:/ or /i/ s{ee}
        aé e é ea ee éy ì ï ie y(3)
        antennaé múzeüm bé tea see monkéy rádìó aprécïáte brief silly
/j/ {y}ap
/(j)u:/ p{u}ny
        éu éw ú úe
        éulojy néw púny cúe
/(j)Ur/ c{ure}
        éur úr
        Éurop cúre
/j@/ reg{u}lar
        ü ya ye yo
civilyan rezilyent canyon
/j@r/ acc{ur}ate
        ür yar yer yor
        accürat familyar lawyer behávyor
/k/ {k}ey
        c cc(4) ck cq k kh q
        cat occüpý lock lacqer kéy khróme ópáqe
/kS/ an{xi}ous
        xi xj
        anxiôus sexjùal
/ks/ a{x}
        cc(4) cks cs ks qs x xc
        accent tacks pics hawks mosqs ax except
/kw/ {qu}it
        cqu cw kw qu
        acquìesce cwizìne awkward quit
/l/ {l}ow
        l ll
        low pill
/m/ {m}e
        m mm
        mé hammer
/N/ si{ng}
        n(5) ng
        pink sing
/n/ {n}o
(6) n nn
        knee no funny
/O:/ c{o}st
        au aw ò òa
        pauper lawn còst bròad
/OI/ v{oi}d
        oi oy
        void boy
/Or/ c{or}d
        aur oar
òr orr òur
        laurel oar
còrd horrid còurt
/oU/ s{o}da
        ó oa oe oh óu ów
        sóda goat toe oh sóul lów
/p/ {p}ea
        p pp
        pea apple
/Q/ or /A:/ l{o}ck
/Qr/ h{orr}id (British Ênglish)
        ör orr
        förest horrid
/r/ {r}at
        r rr wr
        rat narrów wríte
/S/ {sh}ip
        c ci sci sh si sj ssi t ti
        aprécïáte glácier lusciôus ship mansion tisjùe passion negótïáte nátion
/s/ {s}ee
        c(4) ps(6) s sc ss
        city psýcké see scéne grass
/T/ {th}in
/t/ {t}ie
        ed(7) t tt
        passed tíe button
/tS/ {ch}ip
        ch t tch tj
        chip celestïal match statjùe
/ts/ ra{ts}
        ts tts tz
        rats butts pìtza
/U/ p{u}t
        oo oû û
        hook coûd pût
/Ur/ or /U@r/ m{oor} or c{oûr}ìer
        ewr oor oùr oûr* ùr ûr*(8)
        Jewry moor toùr coûrìer matjùre gûrù
/u:/ fl{u}
        eu ew oó où ù ùe
        sleuth crew loót groùp flù blùe
/V/ c{u}p
        ô u uh
        wônder cup duh
/Vr/ h{urr}y (British Ênglish)
/v/ {v}an
        v vv
        van savvy
/w/ {w}ind
/Z/ colla{ge}
        jh zi zj
        colàjh vizion mezjur
/z/ {z}oo
        s(9) x(10) z zz
        rubs xýlophóne zoó buzz
/{/ p{a}t
        a aa
        pat plaad
/{r/ m{arr}y
        är arr
        päradíse marry
/3`/ f{ur}
        er eûr ir ôr ur urr/ûrr(11)
        term saboteûr stir wôrd fur hurry/blûrry
/@/ circ{u}s
        a â âi e ê ë i o ô ôu u y
        about furnâce pòrtrâit rivet congrêss quiët limit melody purpôse pòrôus circus anonymôus
/@l/ anim{al}
        al el il le ol ul
        animal camel púpil rattle symbol úseful
/@m/ pris{m}
        am em m om um
        madam system prizm blossom quòrum
/@n/ pard{on}
        âin an en in n on
        certâin húman specimen básin izn't pàrdon
/@r/ butt{er}
        ar er eûr ir or ôr re ur
        fòrward butter grandjeûr aspirin mótor fôrbid ácre Àrthur

Silent letters(6)
        e h k(before n) p(before s) t w(before r)
        tíme aníhiláte knock psahm Cristmâs wrap

  1. In Amèrican Ênglish, ónly the first sound listed iz úzed.  In British Ênglish, bóth sounds àr úzed.  The stàrred spellings reprezent the second listed pronuncìátion in RP.

  2. Unmàrked a, e, o and u àr pronounced az /I/ ónly in unstressed syllables.  Mâny Ênglish speakers àr not conciôusly awâre ov this pronuncìátion.

  3. y iz pronounced az /i/ ónly at the end ov a wôrd òr subwôrd.

  4. c iz /s/ befòre e, i òr y, and /k/ ôtherwíze.

  5. n reprezents /N/ ónly in the combinátions /Ng/ and /Nk/.

  6. The sílent-letter combinátions kn, ps and wr ocur ónly at the beginning ov a wôrd òr subwôrd.  Sílent t apears ónly in Cristmâs and cristen.

  7. ed iz pronounced az /t/ ónly az a past tense màrker.  Quibbles about the pronuncìation ov wôrds lìke latter/ladder àr disregàrded.

  8. In Amèrican Ênglish, ónly the first sound listed iz úzed.  In British Ênglish, bóth sounds àr úzed.  The starred sepllings reprezent the first listed pronuncìátion in RP.

  9. s iz pronounced az /z/ ónly at the end ov a wôrd òr subwôrd (az a plùral òr pozessiv màrker).

  10. x iz pronounced az /z/ ónly at the stàrt ov a wôrd òr subwôrd.

  11. In British Ênglish, urr reprezents /Vr/, and ûrr iz úzed fòr thóze féw wôrds whâre it iz pronounced /3`/, such az fûrry and blûrry.

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